I won this book via LibraryThing. Disclaimer- there is some swearing and references to sex (nothing explicit). Here's my review: This book offers an amount of mixed feelings. There's deep grief, denial, hope, and love. Ted has passed away, and the family members are struggling to pick up the pieces of their hearts and move on. Because of the pandemic, there was no proper funeral, and the family needed closure. The characters are very interesting, and I enjoyed getting to know them. The rock of the family is Parisa. She is running a successful business. She's giving, kind, and compassionate. Olivia grew on me. I didn't feel a connection with her at first, but she grew as a person. There's a lot of variety in the characters- gender neutral, deaf, black, Indian and biracial. A real World Buffet! I liked the parts of the book that brought attention to saving turtles. I'm passionate about saving as many animals as we can. I also liked learning about Japan and it